Shaquille O'Neal - Phoenix, Arizona
It was a long drive to Phoenix, Arizona. There wasn't really much along the way except a lot of empty dessert and billboards. Drove up with my assistant, Kellen Henry, and we had a blast. We hung out with a talented and aspiring photographer, Matt Contreras, and met some new friends along the way. All in all, it was a great break needed from the hectic shoot schedules, I've been having. Shaq was awesome to shoot, and you can tell he's a pro at this. 30 secs after he got there, he was in pose and all set to shoot. Shaq's so much bigger in person. I've shot a whole range of athletes and I've never felt to small in my life. But the images came out looking great. The best part is the I got blessed with a signed Shaq Jersey. Rock on!
The Empty Dessert littered with Billboards

Dang! Why don't they have this back in Cali?

(Don't try this at home kids. This was done under the supervision of a trained professional, i.e ME!)

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